Capturing December - Week 1!

Hello lovelies! :)

So.. Although I did say I would be posting every day in December.. Yet again I have been way to busy to post! I did, however, take a picture each day and will post them in small posts to show my weekly photos!

1st December: My view of the day (Snowflake Decorations in Apartment 7)

2nd December: My favourite holiday movies!! 

3rd December: Something Red.. MINCE PIES!! (mhmm ;))

4th December: Joyous Christmas Picture! Chillin' in my hat in my uni room..

5th December: Apartment 7 Christmas Tree (Notice how it is a student tree with the alignment of bottles around the bottom..)

6th December: Lincoln Christmas Market with the flatmates!

7th December: Where's Wally Advent Calendar - Counting down the days!!

8th December: MY SISTER'S BIRTHDAY!! And Christmas Shopping!!

I thoroughly enjoy Christmas time, and to get to spend it in Lincoln is something very special! Keep Calm.. it's nearly Christmas!! ;)
Love and hugs,
Fleur xxx


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