A Welcome To My Blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog: 'Smallest of the bunch' :) If you have read my 'About Me' then you will already know a fair amount about me. The title of my blog for instance is a link to my height, with only just hitting the height of 5ft.. (yes I'm a tich haha!) and forever being known as the 'smallest of the bunch'. I thought it'd be different from usual title's and hey, it seemed quite very applicable to me!

                        This is prom two years ago - but I am still the same height!! This is just one of the MANY photo's where I look diddy compared to everyone else.. (I'm second in on the left!)

So, let's get down to the old basics; why I decided to start this blog. Basically, this stems from two reasons, one being that since finishing my A Levels at sixth form, I wanted something to turn to, in order to occupy my thoughts and energy during the summer. I thought what is more perfect than an online blog where I can pretty much do all of that?! I have to admit, I have been curious and highly interested in blogging for round about a year or two now, since finding well-known beauty bloggers and YouTubers such as Zoella, SprinkleOfGlitter, FleurDeForce (cool name may I add ;)) and Tanya Burr. I could list more, but they are just a few of my top favourites! As you may or may not know.. I am a huge fan of twitter, however, I always find that 140 characters is never enough to fully explain or express your point.. therefore *TADA* I finally plucked up the courage and thought.. why not eh?! Here is the ideal place where I can share my ideas and interests with all you lovely people!

Being new to this whole blogging malarki, I'm going to take it easy and pretty much go with the flow; beginning with general lifestyle posts and events I get up to in the summer! As I become more comfortable in the 'blogging world' I hope to also blog about TV shows/dramas/films, books and even some beauty products. If anyone has any special requests of posts they would like me to do, I am also very happy for you to request these to me :)

I hope you enjoy my blog posts and I hope to get to know some of the fellow blogging world!
Love and hugs,
Fleur xxx

PS - Feel free to follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/fdkennerz

As for now, I shall leave you with this picture below which never fails to make me laugh on a dull day! Thank you SCHS for this lovely memento.. 


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